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After the release of various collaborative material over many years HALF DECENT has been able to craft his music into a unique imaginative sound of reality. Focused in on his ever-changing production style and song content his debut EP ‘Pieces Of Life’ features a variety of music styles all mounded together by honest thought provoking lyrics. Opener 'Time' is a self examination and realisation where scorching hot beats and molten lava rhymes have devastating effect. Drum 'n' Bass taster 'Losers' combines dynamic production with relevant lyrics about the troubles of escaping work life in England by looking for a good night out.
This EP however is not all beats and rhymes, vocals from Lee Christian on 'Can We Get Away' and 'Adult Life' provide a smooth feel to the many of the dirty beats and Natasha Chomyn also delivers inspiring vocal stylings on the CD closer 'Life Is What's Important'.
With no rap features on the CD you really gain an insight on the Pieces in the Life of HALF DECENT.